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Body Image x Boys (and all kids!)

When we think of body image, we often think of girls. But did you know that more and more boys are developing eating disorders? Males are actually more likely to binge-eat than females. And they’re less likely to reach out for help. (Ginsburg, K. 2015. Eating disorders in men & boys. American Academy of Pediatrics)


➡️ Messages about losing weight and dieting are everywhereeeee and those little ears are always listening. Regardless of your child’s gender, they are hearing what we’re saying even if it’s just implied.


💛 Eating disorders and body image issues are so complex, and there are so many factors to consider.

But here are some phrases I’ll never say in front of our boys (and what I say instead):


Instead of this:

👤 “I wish I could have some cake but I’ve had too many calories today.”

👤 “I ate too much, I shouldn’t have done that. I feel gross.”

👤 “I need to eat lots of vegetables today since I had so much junk food yesterday.”

👤 “I can’t wear this out! It’s way too tight, I don’t look good.”

👤 “I’m going for a run now so I can eat ice cream later!”

👤 “Don’t take photos of me! I look so bad right now.”


Try this:

✨ “I’d love some cake!”

✨ “My tummy feels pretty full right now. I’m going to take a break before eating some more.”

✨ “I feel like eating some vegetables today!”

✨ “I’m going to change into something I feel more comfortable in.”

✨ “I’m going for a run now because it makes me feel happy.”

✨ “I’d love to be in a photo with you!”


➡️ And the bonus? Intentionally speaking like this in front of my kids has also helped to shift my own internal dialogue 💛